Dan's take on the contests so far.
OK, and here is the opposing view ! Everyone knows that when bike riders get together a big throw down happens So we are having the green and polka dot race. Town signs for green and col tops for ploka dot. And the old guys are cleaning house. When Ryan wins a sprint--we vote to award no points and if he is also first at the leaving town then we take points away. As for the ploka dot, that waas sort of a given until I realized that I was the first to the top of the cols. Now some nitpickers might argue that I was in a car, but at this age you take any victory you can get. He cant figure out why he is behind in both races and we wont tell him. Slow legs come with age but so does craftyness.
Today Dan headed out early to make up for missing the fantastic riding from yesterday. The rest of us decided for a short spin alonga bike path to the town of Lourdes. This town is know for its miracles for the sick and predictions for the future of mankind.
The town was acked and being on our bikes key to getting round. We did a quick tour of the town center lloking for food, but decided to head back for lunch.
We found this place
Observations of France.
- Lots more smoking.
- Less fat people.
- They have smaller cars and drive much better.
- Driving is controlled chaos, but once you get it thing roll along smoothly.
- I have no idea how stores make a profit when they are open 9-12 and 3-7.
- I bought a 2G SD card for 13 Euro which was half of 10 energy gels.
- No police---lets that controlled chaos roll on
- Very narrow streets
- Pointing and using fingers for numbers let's you order what you want
- The entire Pyrenees seem to be free range.
- Only encountered one wild animal. A small deer.
- Roadsides are very clean.
Does Tom have vinegar feet yet?
Is Dan alright? He looked like he got worked over by Sparky and the Hair Dresser judging by that uncomfortably sexy pose that he unleashed at the cafe. No wonder he was in the car on the third day.
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