Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 11--The Sting of the Climb

Day 11---Today was Dan's day to drive the van so Randy, Ryan, Tom and myself headed out from St. Girons toward the town of Oust, Col de Latrape, Aulus, Col d' Agnes to finish in Foix, Fr. The weather started cool and overcast as we road out from St. Girons along the Salar river. This river was extremely clear and popular with fisherman and river kayakers. Another thing that was popular was Tom's muffin. Just as Tom took a bite a bee landed on the muffin and was consumed with the muffin in a single bit. As can be imagined, hilarity soon broke out as the bee tried to gain is freedom by stinging Tom in the mouth and on the lips. The bee was soon free and Tom less than happy.

We warmed up as we turned into the Vallee d' Ustou and slowly began to gain on the up coming Col de Letrape. We soon caught up to local man out for his morning ride and he joined our group for a few kilometers until he peeled off for either his home or his confusion at our “city sprints”. The Col de Letrape was a bit over 5km and moderately steep with a good rhythm. By this time the sun begun to burn through the clouds opening up the views of the valley and mountains above. We were soon over the top of the col and raced down into the down of Aulus for a quick snack and to fill out water bottled with the town's local water know for its healing powers.

Dan had warned us that the Col d'Agnes started quickly. He wasn't kidding. For the next 4km we churned our pedal over to climb the unrelenting grade and we hit the first set of switchbacks that broke up the climb to more manageable grades. We went over the top at 1570m and headed straight down for lunch above lake Et de Lers. We enjoyed omeletes and quiche at this idealistic lunch spot.

We got back on the bikes with heavy legs and full stomach to ride the next 30km down into Foix.

Even though the distance and vertical were less than other days we all seemed to agree that this was the hardest day.

We are now in the town of Foix which was the seat of the counts of Foix who were associated with the Cathar faith which many have learned about reading The Divinci Code.


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